Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Time Away

Sorry that I have totally slacked in the Blogger world. But I'm ready to get back on the horse & get this blog going.
Lately I've had a lot going on w/ the kids bday & now the holidays. I'm so excited to see what the future holds. I really enjoy the craft shows that I"ve been doing. & can't wait to do more.
Well it's off to work. Stay tuned for more blogs.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Today was a productive day. I made lots of pretties. Well not lots.. But some. I'm happy with how everything turned out. I like the simple ribbon bows. But they are a little tricky to do. Practice makes perfect right. I posted everything to my Facebook page. (both work & personal). & I put everything on Etsy. Whew! This momma is tired but happy.
On another note. The kids got up at 6:30. They had a fun filled evening of the park. & then a swim or float in the pool. Managed to have all sets of eyes closed by 7:15. Stayed in there until 7:20 just to be sure.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It only took 20 minutes!

So Aurora ended up getting up at 6:45 this morning. Cash 6am. I hate EARLY morning. But.. what am I going to do. They did pretty good for the most part for being sleep deprived. Me & them. They did however take a 1.5hr nap. Wish I could have joined in the fun. But of course I had thinga to get done. I took them for a long walk tonight & had one of the "big" kids go swiming w/ us. I put them down at 7 instead of 6. It took Rory 12 minutes to pass out. & Cash 20. But of course I was sitting in there the whole time. Since I've taken the pacifiers away they don't just go to sleep anymore. Which stinks! If I just shut the door. One will fall asleep & the other will crawl in bed w/ the sleeper & wake said sleeper. Or they will both be screaming. Or... the one who did the waking will pass out & I"ll be left w/ the one who got woken up & then they don't want to go back to sleep. SO UNFAIR! Grr..
I've been getting back into being crafty. It's so hard to find the time to do it. I usually do it in the evening when the monsters go to bed. That way I'm not ignoring them during the day. haha.. Not like they'd let me. So here are some pictures of some of my new stuff. I've got so much more to do & post. I'm so EXCITED!

Gave Rory bangs today. Ya prob shouldn't give kids w/ curly hair bangs. They look uneven. But she's still cute. & they will grow out. The rest of her hair is pulled back. She's such a silly girl. I love it!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Go to sleep!

Just a quick note to say that I am annoyed that my 22 month old is still not asleep! Her twin is.. Maybe I should get rid of naps. Or let them stay up later.. I'm so tired. Go to sleep little girl! Mommy is begging you...

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tonight's dinner was...

So for tonight's dinner I made Slow Cooker Mac & Cheese w/ garlic bread & Kidney & Garbonzo Bean Salad. I got the recipe from Pinterest. Let me just say that place is seriously addicting! I can spend HOURS on there.
The mac & cheese was pretty good. I added 4 cups instead of 3 of the cheese & 1/2 cup extra of Parmesean. I think 3 cups of cheese would have been enough. The extra cup made it a little to rich for me. The salad was a regular spring mix that I added olives,kidney beans, garbonzo beans, carrots, squash & cucumbers to. O ya & cheese. (I love cheese what can I say)Here's the link if you'd like to make it..
(sorry won't let me link it)
I think I'll post a new recipe every week.
Here's a few of my new creations.. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Friday, July 1, 2011

My Brain Hurts..

Well the last few days have been hectic.
I actually went to my Multiples group playdate ALONE! I'm so proud of me (pats self on the back). I don't like taking the twins anywhere they have to be set free when it's just me. Freaks me out. & their listening skills suck. I know I know.. part of it is the age the other isn't. Anywho.. They had a really good time. They played in the kiddie pool for the first time. It was love at first splash. That's where they spent most of their time. They even slept GREAT last night.
Here they are in the kiddie pool for the first time. Yes Cash has a shoe fetish.. I'll explain more in another post.
So the last few days I've been reading alot from http://www.everythingetsy.com/
Kim has been so helpful w/ all the info on how to better my business. That's why the post's title. My brain hurts from all the info.. I actually did a Treasury List tonight. Called Rockabilly <3. I had fun doing it. But dummy me didn't ok each picture after I put up the URL. So I had to start over. That was frustrating. Oh well lesson learned.
I've been slacking on getting crafty the last few days. Things get hectic & quick around here w/ 4 kids. Today wasn't going to be one of those get stuff done days. I don't like Infusion days. I'm exhausted afterwards. At least I got the park reserved for the kids Birthday Party. I'm so excited!
Well it's late. Time for bed. 6am comes way to quickly around here.
Hope everyone has a Happy 4th!